Cotton Candy Cold Process Soap Project image number null
Cotton Candy Cold Process Soap Project image number null

Cotton Candy Cold Process Soap Project

Item No. PS000180
undefined out of 5 Customer Rating
LEVEL Intermediate
TIME 1 hour
YIELD About 5 pounds of soap
This project is inspired by Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil, which smells just like the real thing!

This soap is colored blue and pink to complement the Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil. It's also topped with an embed and plenty of sparkle.

One of the best things about the Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil is the minimal discoloration. It gives the soap a yellow tint, but that can be overcome with some titanium dioxide. It does accelerate, so be ready to move fast when working with it. 

For this project, we did a combination of a spoon plop and a swirl using the Hanger Tool. As you can see, the tool didn’t swirl the soap as much as it usually does because the soap was on the thicker side. But, it still created nice movement. Because this soap uses a good amount of titanium dioxide, it has a small water discount to reduce glycerin rivers. A few still popped up, but nothing too noticeable.

What You Need:

Medium 9 Ball Silicone Mold

Medium 9 Ball Silicone Mold

1 mold
SFIC LCP Clear Melt And Pour Soap Base

SFIC LCP Clear Melt And Pour Soap Base - 1 lb

1 lb
Fine Silver Rainbow EcoGlitter

Fine Silver Rainbow EcoGlitter - 1 oz

1 oz
5 lb Mold With Sliding Bottom

5 lb Mold With Sliding Bottom

1 Mold
Silicone Liner for 5 lb Wood Mold

Silicone Liner for 5 lb Wood Mold - 1 mold

1 mold
Hanger Swirl Tool

Hanger Swirl Tool

Lots of Lather Quick Mix

Lots of Lather Quick Mix - 54 oz

54 oz
Sodium Hydroxide Lye

Sodium Hydroxide Lye

1 - 32 oz jar
Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil

Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil - 4 oz

4 oz
Fired Up Fuchsia Colorant

Fired Up Fuchsia Colorant - 1 oz

1 oz
Titanium Dioxide Pigment

Titanium Dioxide Pigment - 1 oz

1 oz
Caribbean Blue Mica

Caribbean Blue Mica - 1 oz

1 oz
Hot Pink Color Block

Hot Pink Color Block - 1 Block

1 color block
9 products 4 tools


  • SFIC LCP Clear Melt And Pour Soap Base - 1 lb
  • Fine Silver Rainbow EcoGlitter - 1 oz
  • Lots of Lather Quick Mix - 54 oz
  • Sodium Hydroxide Lye
  • Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil - 4 oz
  • Fired Up Fuchsia Colorant - 1 oz
  • Titanium Dioxide Pigment - 1 oz
  • Caribbean Blue Mica - 1 oz
  • Hot Pink Color Block - 1 Block
  • Medium 9 Ball Silicone Mold
  • 5 lb Mold With Sliding Bottom
  • Silicone Liner for 5 lb Wood Mold - 1 mold
  • Hanger Swirl Tool


You will need:

  • Embeds:
  • Medium 9 Ball Silicone Mold
  • 10 oz. LCP Clear Melt and Pour Base
  • Fired Up Fuchsia Color Block
  • Fine Silver Rainbow EcoGlitter
  • Base:
  • 5 lb. Wood Mold with Sliding Bottom
  • Silicone Liner for 5 lb. Wood Mold
  • Hanger Swirl Tool
  • 54 oz. Lots of Lather Quick Mix
  • 7.8 oz. Sodium Hydroxide Lye
  • 16.5 oz. Distilled Water
  • 4 oz. Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil
  • Caribbean Blue Mica
  • Hot Pink Color Block*
  • Titanium Dioxide

Follow these steps:



Chop 10 ounces of LCP Clear Melt and Pour Soap, place the pieces in a heat-safe container, and melt in the microwave using 15 second bursts. Add shavings of the Fired Up Fuchsia Color Block until you get a bright pink shade. Add a sprinkle of Fine Silver Rainbow EcoGlitter and stir to combine. Pour the soap into the cavities of the Medium 9 Ball Silicone Mold. Let the soap cool and harden for 2-4 hours.


Remove the embeds from the mold. Remelt the remaining soap using 5-10 second bursts and fill up the cavities again. Allow to fully harden, and remove from the mold. Set aside until you’re ready to use.


COLOR PREP: Add 1 teaspoon of titanium dioxide to 1 tablespoon of sunflower or sweet almond oil (or any other liquid oil). Then in separate containers, disperse 1/2 teaspoon of Caribbean Blue Mica and 1/2 teaspoon of Fired Up Fuchsia Colorant into 1/2 of tablespoon lightweight liquid oil. Use a mini mixer to help get rid of any clumps. Optional: To ensure the titanium dioxide blends smoothly into the soap, we recommend micronizing it before dispersing it in oil. Use a coffee grinder to break up any clumps of color and prevent streaks of white from showing in the final soap. We like to use a coffee grinder that has a removable stainless steel mixing area for easy cleaning. Note: This project was originally made with Fired Up Fuchsia Color Block, which was discontinued. Hot Pink Color Block creates a similar shade but will look different from the photos.

FRAGRANCE PREP: Measure 4 ounces of Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil into a glass container. Set aside.

MOLD & TOOL PREP: Insert the silicone liner into the wood mold. Bend the hanger tool so it fits inside the mold by length.

SAFETY FIRST: Suit up for safe handling practices. That means goggles, gloves, and long sleeves. Make sure kids, pets, other distractions, and tripping hazards are out of the house or don’t have access to your space. Always make soap in a well-ventilated area.


Slowly and carefully add 7.8 ounces of lye to 16.5 ounces of water and gently stir until the lye has fully dissolved and the liquid is clear. Set aside to cool. Optional: Add 3.5 teaspoons of sodium lactate to help the bars harden more quickly.


Fully melt the entire bag of Lots of Lather Quick Mix until completely it's clear and there is no cloudiness. Shake the bag to mix up all the oils. Measure 54 ounces into a large heat-safe container. Once the lye water and the oils have cooled to 130° F or below (and are ideally within 10 degrees of each other), add the lye water to the oils and stick blend until thin trace.


Add all the dispersed titanium dioxide. Use a whisk to mix, then give it a short burst with the stick blender to help break up any chunks of colorant.


Split off about 400 mL of soap into 2 separate containers. To one container, add 1 teaspoon of dispersed Fired Up Fuchsia. To the other, add 1 teaspoon of dispersed Caribbean Blue Mica. Mix the colorants in with a whisk or spoon.


Add the fragrance oil to each container proportionally. Use a whisk to mix. The fragrance accelerates, so be ready to move quickly.


Grab a large spoon for each color. Spoon the soap into the mold, one color at a time, layering them in 3 different spots. Don’t worry about being too precise with your plops. When all the soap is in the mold, tap it the counter to help get rid of bubbles.


Insert the hanger into the soap against the side of the mold furthest away from you. Drag the hanger against the bottom of the mold toward you. Once you drag the hanger about 1/6th of the way, pull the hanger up until it almost breaks through the top of the soap, but not quite. Move the hanger toward you about 1/6th of the way. Push the hanger back down into the soap, and drag the hanger against the bottom of the mold and move it toward you again, moving about 1/6th of the way. Bring the hanger up until it almost breaks the top, then move it over and push it back down. Pull it until it hits the other side of the mold, then carefully pull it up and out.


Tap the mold firmly on the counter to help get rid of air bubbles. Use a dowel or chopstick to swirl the top of the soap.


Place the melt and pour embeds in the center of the soap, pressing down lightly to help them stick. Place them so there is a small amount of room between each to allow for a clean cut.


Sprinkle the top of the soap with Fine Silver Rainbow EcoGlitter. Spritz with 99% isopropyl alcohol to prevent soda ash. Do not cover. If the soap gets too hot, it could slightly melt the embeds. Allow the soap to stay in the mold for 2-3 days. Unmold and cut into bars, and allow to cure for 4-6 weeks. Enjoy!

Tutorial credits

Photographer: Amanda Kerzman

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Cotton Candy Cold Process Soap Project

  • LEVEL Intermediate
  • TIME 1 hour
  • YIELD About 5 pounds of soap

This soap is colored blue and pink to complement the Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil. It's also topped with an embed and plenty of sparkle.

One of the best things about the Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil is the minimal discoloration. It gives the soap a yellow tint, but that can be overcome with some titanium dioxide. It does accelerate, so be ready to move fast when working with it. 

For this project, we did a combination of a spoon plop and a swirl using the Hanger Tool. As you can see, the tool didn’t swirl the soap as much as it usually does because the soap was on the thicker side. But, it still created nice movement. Because this soap uses a good amount of titanium dioxide, it has a small water discount to reduce glycerin rivers. A few still popped up, but nothing too noticeable.

You will need:

  • Embeds:
  • Medium 9 Ball Silicone Mold
  • 10 oz. LCP Clear Melt and Pour Base
  • Fired Up Fuchsia Color Block
  • Fine Silver Rainbow EcoGlitter
  • Base:
  • 5 lb. Wood Mold with Sliding Bottom
  • Silicone Liner for 5 lb. Wood Mold
  • Hanger Swirl Tool
  • 54 oz. Lots of Lather Quick Mix
  • 7.8 oz. Sodium Hydroxide Lye
  • 16.5 oz. Distilled Water
  • 4 oz. Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil
  • Caribbean Blue Mica
  • Hot Pink Color Block*
  • Titanium Dioxide

Follow these steps:



Chop 10 ounces of LCP Clear Melt and Pour Soap, place the pieces in a heat-safe container, and melt in the microwave using 15 second bursts. Add shavings of the Fired Up Fuchsia Color Block until you get a bright pink shade. Add a sprinkle of Fine Silver Rainbow EcoGlitter and stir to combine. Pour the soap into the cavities of the Medium 9 Ball Silicone Mold. Let the soap cool and harden for 2-4 hours.


Remove the embeds from the mold. Remelt the remaining soap using 5-10 second bursts and fill up the cavities again. Allow to fully harden, and remove from the mold. Set aside until you’re ready to use.


COLOR PREP: Add 1 teaspoon of titanium dioxide to 1 tablespoon of sunflower or sweet almond oil (or any other liquid oil). Then in separate containers, disperse 1/2 teaspoon of Caribbean Blue Mica and 1/2 teaspoon of Fired Up Fuchsia Colorant into 1/2 of tablespoon lightweight liquid oil. Use a mini mixer to help get rid of any clumps. Optional: To ensure the titanium dioxide blends smoothly into the soap, we recommend micronizing it before dispersing it in oil. Use a coffee grinder to break up any clumps of color and prevent streaks of white from showing in the final soap. We like to use a coffee grinder that has a removable stainless steel mixing area for easy cleaning. Note: This project was originally made with Fired Up Fuchsia Color Block, which was discontinued. Hot Pink Color Block creates a similar shade but will look different from the photos.

FRAGRANCE PREP: Measure 4 ounces of Cotton Candy Fragrance Oil into a glass container. Set aside.

MOLD & TOOL PREP: Insert the silicone liner into the wood mold. Bend the hanger tool so it fits inside the mold by length.

SAFETY FIRST: Suit up for safe handling practices. That means goggles, gloves, and long sleeves. Make sure kids, pets, other distractions, and tripping hazards are out of the house or don’t have access to your space. Always make soap in a well-ventilated area.


Slowly and carefully add 7.8 ounces of lye to 16.5 ounces of water and gently stir until the lye has fully dissolved and the liquid is clear. Set aside to cool. Optional: Add 3.5 teaspoons of sodium lactate to help the bars harden more quickly.


Fully melt the entire bag of Lots of Lather Quick Mix until completely it's clear and there is no cloudiness. Shake the bag to mix up all the oils. Measure 54 ounces into a large heat-safe container. Once the lye water and the oils have cooled to 130° F or below (and are ideally within 10 degrees of each other), add the lye water to the oils and stick blend until thin trace.


Add all the dispersed titanium dioxide. Use a whisk to mix, then give it a short burst with the stick blender to help break up any chunks of colorant.


Split off about 400 mL of soap into 2 separate containers. To one container, add 1 teaspoon of dispersed Fired Up Fuchsia. To the other, add 1 teaspoon of dispersed Caribbean Blue Mica. Mix the colorants in with a whisk or spoon.


Add the fragrance oil to each container proportionally. Use a whisk to mix. The fragrance accelerates, so be ready to move quickly.


Grab a large spoon for each color. Spoon the soap into the mold, one color at a time, layering them in 3 different spots. Don’t worry about being too precise with your plops. When all the soap is in the mold, tap it the counter to help get rid of bubbles.


Insert the hanger into the soap against the side of the mold furthest away from you. Drag the hanger against the bottom of the mold toward you. Once you drag the hanger about 1/6th of the way, pull the hanger up until it almost breaks through the top of the soap, but not quite. Move the hanger toward you about 1/6th of the way. Push the hanger back down into the soap, and drag the hanger against the bottom of the mold and move it toward you again, moving about 1/6th of the way. Bring the hanger up until it almost breaks the top, then move it over and push it back down. Pull it until it hits the other side of the mold, then carefully pull it up and out.


Tap the mold firmly on the counter to help get rid of air bubbles. Use a dowel or chopstick to swirl the top of the soap.


Place the melt and pour embeds in the center of the soap, pressing down lightly to help them stick. Place them so there is a small amount of room between each to allow for a clean cut.


Sprinkle the top of the soap with Fine Silver Rainbow EcoGlitter. Spritz with 99% isopropyl alcohol to prevent soda ash. Do not cover. If the soap gets too hot, it could slightly melt the embeds. Allow the soap to stay in the mold for 2-3 days. Unmold and cut into bars, and allow to cure for 4-6 weeks. Enjoy!

Tutorial credits

Photographer: Amanda Kerzman