Interview with Katie of Royalty Soaps

There's a good chance you know Katie with Royalty Soaps. She's been making soap for 11 years and her YouTube channel has almost a million subscribers. For good reason - she has an infectious personality. You can't help but smile along with her as she makes colorful cold process soap, tests candle kits, and reacts to viral videos. Get to know Katie below! 

katie with royalty soaps

How long have you been making soap, and how did you get started?
I've been making soap for 11 years now! I will have owned Royalty Soaps for 10 years on September 15, 2021. I got started when my mom signed me up for a "Candle and Soap Making" class at my local homeschool co-op when I was a junior in high school! 

What inspires you to create?
When it comes to drawing inspiration for my soap designs and my daily work, I often hearken back to favorite childhood memories and think about the sights, smells, and sensations that made them so special to me. I also often find inspiration in beautiful movies, food, and dessert! I can also always count on feeling creatively invigorated after perusing curated and stylized photoshoots of people, places, and spaces. Pinterest, Instagram (sometimes, lol), and magazines often do the trick for that!

neon lights soap by royalty soaps

Neon Lights soap

What is your favorite type of product to make?
Three words: cold. process. soap. Haha! 

How did you come up with the name for your business?
Okay, the answer may surprise y'all, but it's the truth! I used one of those word cloud generators online and entered a bunch of words I liked and wanted to associate with my business, and tried a bunch of different pairings and combos by writing them down, saying them aloud, asking my family what they thought, etc. Royalty Soaps ended up being the combination I liked best, and it's stuck ever since!  

What advice would you give to someone just starting their business?
I would advise beginner business owners to make themselves stand apart from their competitors by choosing to pursue something that is unique yet defined. I think it's important to know that what works for someone else may not work for you, and that includes every part of running a business, including the types of products you choose to make, how you price them, etc. 

Have you ever experienced a fail? How did you work through it, and what did you learn?
Oh yes, I've failed many times, haha! It still happens, even after 11 years of soap making. When I do fail, I tend to quickly brush it off my shoulders and recognize that it's part of the learning process that helps me to continually improve my soap making skills! 

aurora dreams soap by royalty soaps

Aurora Dreams soap

Tell us something unusual or unique about yourself! Any other hobbies or interests you're passionate about?
People may not know how much I've gotten into interior decorating in the last couple of years. I'm really looking forward to sharing more of that side of me with the people who watch my videos, but yeah, I'm really into interior decorating right now. On the side, I also like gardening, nail art, and decorating cakes and cookies!

What is your favorite Bramble Berry product?
I love so many Bramble Berry products, but I have to go with the 5 lb. Mold with Sliding Bottom and silicone liner. It's been my mold of choice for eight years for a reason! 

lush honey products by royalty soaps

Lush Honey products

What are your plans for Royalty Soaps moving forward?
Well, in the next three years, I would like to release two new product lines, create more fun YouTube and TikTok content, and continue to serve my local Poetry, Texas community through Royalty Soaps!

succulent soap by royalty soaps

Succulent Planter Artisan Soap

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